景点 tourist spot; tourist attraction
山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers; landscape
名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers
名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites
避暑胜地 summer resort
度假胜地 holiday resort
避暑山庄 mountain resort
蜜月度假胜地 honeymoon resort
国家公园 national park
古建筑群 ancient architectural complex
佛教胜地 Buddhist sacred land
皇城 imperial city
御花园 imperial garden
甲骨文 insc ription on bones and tortoiseshells
古玩店 antique/curio shop
手工艺品 artifact; handicrafts
国画 traditional Chinese painting
天坛 the Temple of Heaven
紫禁城 Forbidden City
故宫the Imperial Palace
In heaven there is the paradise and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. / As there is the paradise in heaven so there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.
The scenery of Guilin has been called the finest under heaven.